
Please browse through the most commonly asked questions below.

Q. Must I be accepted for admission before I apply for financial aid?

A. No. 事实上, 如果你等到被录取后再申请, you may miss the March 2 priority filing date to qualify for 卡尔格兰特s & 其他援助项目. You may apply for financial aid any time beginning October 1 & no later than March 2 for the following academic year (fall & 春天). 事实上, 我们鼓励你在被大学录取之前申请经济援助. 

然而, 在我们开始处理你的FAFSA之前,你必须向大学提交入学申请 & 你必须正式被大学录取,我们才会为你出具获奖信.

Q. Should I wait until my taxes are filed before I do my FAFSA?

A. Not if you’ll miss the March 2 priority filing date! 我们鼓励您尽早完成您的税收,以便您的FAFSA是准确的. 然而, if you or your parents cannot complete the taxes before March 2, 使用你对收入和税收的最佳估计. Just indicate on your FAFSA that you are using estimated figures. 一旦你报了税, 您可以更正您的FAFSA申请或填写数据检索工具以更新您的税务信息.

Q. 我什么时候能收到助学金的消息?

A. 我们大多数关于你的经济援助申请和奖励的通信都是通过电子方式发送的. Check your email and TITAN Online regularly to ensure you meet any critical deadlines.

If you file your FAFSA by the March 2 priority date, you should receive an email acknowledgment from our office by early April. 在我们决定他们的奖励之前,一些学生需要向我们的办公室提交纳税申报表或其他信息的副本. In general, we begin awarding priority filers in mid-March. 根据FAFSA提交日期和文件完成日期对文件进行审查和授予.

Q. 我必须是全职学生才能获得经济资助吗?

A. No. You will qualify for most types of financial aid if you are enrolled at least half-time, 十大靠谱网赌平台将其定义为6个学期. You may qualify for a 联邦佩尔助学金 payment with fewer than 6 semester units. 欲了解更多细节,包括特殊的研究生入学条件,请参阅我们的招生Q & A.

Q. Must I be enrolled at the University prior to receiving financial assistance?

A. 是的. Payment will not be prepared until you are enrolled. 每学期的第一次付款大约在课程第一天的前一周,资金通常在课程开始前的星期四交付给您. If you are not enrolled in the minimum number of units at the time of the payment cycle, 我们不会为您准备任何费用. 然而, we have at least two payment cycles each week throughout the semester. 一旦您注册并符合付款条件,您的付款将准备好.

Q. When I send my Student Housing License Agreement to Housing, must I make a payment if I am receiving financial aid?

A. 是的. All students who plan to live in the residence facility, 无论经济援助资格如何, 必须在截止日期前支付首付款吗. Subsequent payments are your responsibility as well. 您可以要求与房屋代表会面,安排后续付款计划.

Q. 我必须每年申请经济资助吗?

A. 是的. Your financial situation must be reassessed each year. 然而, 第一年后,你申请经济资助, you may be eligible to file a “renewal FAFSA” which is quicker and easier to complete. The federal FAFSA processor will notify you about renewing your FAFSA.

Q. 我只对奖学金感兴趣. 我必须填写FAFSA吗?

A. No. 然而, to be considered for scholarships where financial need is a criterion, 你必须填写FAFSA.

Q. What is an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and when do I provide it?

A. The "expected family contribution" is based on your family’s resources, the number of family members and the number in college. EFC是你和你的家人应该为你的教育费用支付的金额. 联邦需求分析公式确定了EFC,并假设如下:父母承担子女教育费用的主要责任. Students also have a responsibility to help pay for their own educations.

The EFC is not an amount that is "due" at one specific time. 它可以以各种方式贡献给你的教育费用,例如帮助支付每学期的费用, 购买书籍和用品或提供住房, transportation costs or other miscellaneous educational costs. EFC是你的总成本的金额,将不包括在以需求为基础的经济援助. 然而, 有一些不以需求为基础的经济援助项目, 包括一些奖学金, 联邦斯塔福德无补贴贷款和联邦PLUS贷款(见斯塔福德和PLUS贷款).

Q. What is the maximum financial aid I may receive during an academic year?

A. 你的总经济援助,包括奖学金和贷款,不能超过你的学费. 如果你获得了奖学金等外部援助,你有责任通知我们的办公室, 费豁免, 费用报销, 或授予. 我们将审查你的总体经济援助计划,并确定是否需要任何调整.

Q. Do I need to renew my FAFSA for the 春天 semester?

A. No your current  financial application covers the full current academic year of (Fall, 春天, 和夏天). When the financial aid applications opens in October 1st of every year, you're applying for financial aid for the next academic year.

Q. Do I have to be enrolled full-time (12 units) to get financial aid?

A. No! 大多数经济援助项目要求至少6个学期的学分(半学期状态)才能收到付款. 联邦佩尔助学金允许一些注册少于6个单元的学生获得一笔款项.

Q. Do I have to notify the Financial Aid Office if I plan to enroll part-time?

A. No. 在TITAN在线经济援助“奖励摘要”中显示的所有经济援助都代表了如果你是全日制学生,你可能会收到的金额. 如果你不是全日制学生, 在处理付款时, your payment is adjusted automatically according to your “enrollment status”. 如果你注册了6-8个单元, your status is half-time; if you are enrolled in 9-11 units, your status is three-quarter time; if you are enrolled in 12 units, 你的身份是全职.

Q. Are all types of financial aid adjusted if I am enrolled less than full-time?

A. 联邦佩尔助学金, 卡尔格兰特s A和B, 州立大学助学金(SUG), 及EOP补助金会因应兼职身份而调整. 联邦斯塔福德贷款, 联邦珀金斯贷款, Federal SEOG and Federal Work-Study are not affected by part-time status; however, you must be enrolled in at least 6 units to qualify for a payment. ACG and SMART grants require that you be enrolled full-time to receive payment.

Q. What happens if I receive a payment and then drop a class?

A. 如果您在人口普查日期(教学的第20天)或之前退课,并且您的注册状态因此发生变化, you may be required to repay part or all of the funds received. 例如, 如果你获得了全日制联邦佩尔助学金(100%的奖励金额),并且在学期的第五周开始时减少到9个单元, 你的注册状态从全日制变为四分之三时间,你可能需要偿还已支付金额的25%.

在人口普查日期,你的注册状态是“冻结”的,你需要在你注册的所有课程中获得学分. 因此, 如果你在那之后退了课, 如果你没有达到令人满意的学业进步要求,你可能会危及你未来的经济援助. 但是,您的注册状态不会被调整,您不需要偿还收到的资金.

Q. 如果我收到了兼职付款,然后我增加了一个课程来增加我的注册状态,会发生什么?

A. 如果您的注册状态发生变化,可能会在学期开始时收到几笔付款. 例如, if you are enrolled in 6 units when initial payment is made, you may receive only 50% of your 联邦佩尔助学金 award. 如果你添加一个类,总共9个单位, 你的资格将在四分之三的时间内重新计算,并准备一笔补充款项. If you add another class for a total of 12 or more units, 你将有资格获得一笔全额付款,并准备另一笔补充付款. Payments occur at least twice a week; supplemental payments will be processed in the next disbursement cycle after you add a class. 在大学人口普查日期(通常是课程的第四周)之后增加课程将不会产生额外的费用.

Q. What happens if I receive financial aid and withdraw from all of my classes?

A. 如果你在该学期的60%分或之前完全退学,并且你获得了该学期的经济资助, 我们必须根据你上课的天数来确定你“挣”了多少经济援助. You may be required to return part/all of the unearned portion. 参考学期课程表, 经济援助信息页面, 具体日期, 截止日期和费用退款政策.

学生金融服务将进行计算,以确定是否必须退还您的部分费用. If a refund is made, it will first be applied toward your “unearned” financial aid.

Q. 我被研究生班录取了. Do I have to be in 12 units to be considered full-time?

A. 500及以上的课程按1加权.5 .单位价值. 因此, 8 units of 500 level courses are the equivalent of full-time status. 类似的, if you’re enrolled in 6 units of 500 level courses and 3 units of 400 level courses, 你被认为是全职(6 × 1).5 = 9 + 3 = 12).

Q. What does the anticipated aid hold on my account means?

A. 预期持有意味着你有足够的经济援助来支付你下个学期的费用. It will prevent you from being dropped from your registered courses.